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Forum Home > Staff Applications > Sticky: Staff App Format

Site Owner
Posts: 3

If you are interested in becoming staff over at Chaotic United please post a thread and fill out the following application.



1. How often can you be online? what times would you be online? (Am/Pm, Time zone)


2. How long have you been playing on Chaotic United?


3. Have you donated?


4. What could you do to help the community in the future as a staff?


5. Would you be willing to advertise our server every single day?


6. How many hours can you log on for a day?


7. Do you understand that the owners word is final and arguing will not be tolerated?


8. Do you have teamspeak downloaded and installed?


9. Are you willing to do a teamspeak interview with voice chat?


10. What position are you applying for (e.g. MC Helper,MC Mod,RS Mod, MC Gymleader)


11. If you had to tell us one thing your good at what would that be?


12. Would you be willing to change your ways in order to become a better staff member if it is requested?


13. If you dont have a microphone can you get one to do the interview?


14. Please feel free to introduce yourself and to tell us a bit more about your views of the community in a short text.



Please understand that if you have not donated and don't have a microphone it GREATLY reduces your chances of getting selected.

(you WILL be asked to do a voice chat interview)


Our objective is to create an ongoing database of candidates, as such do not bump your threads and do not expect them to be commented on. If we are looking to get in touch with you we will contact you thru private messages to set up an interview.

Thank you for applying !

February 27, 2014 at 5:18 PM Flag Quote & Reply

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