Forum Rules:

-Do not flame other members.

-Do NOT lie about donating.

-Do not add inappropriate content to your profile picture, signature or on posts/topics.

-Do not advertise other servers.

-Do not rage over a server ban, especially if temporary.

-Treat others with respect. You are not expected to like everyone, but do not harass them because you don't.

Minecraft Server Rules:

-Do not greif (The act of causing players grief, breaking their blocks, taking their things).

-Do not spam the chat.

-Do not advertise/ give out other servers/server IP's.

-MODERATORS: Do not get "ban-happy", do not ban pointlessly, or when unneeded. At the same time, do not be too leaniant, remember that when it IS needed, DO enact bans. USERS: If you believe you have been banned for little/no reason, inform me immediately.