Wanna mod Halo 3?

Hello. this is the Halo 3 modding segment. lemme give you some crucial info. when you see RED TEXT it means i am pointing out a RISKY mod (if youre on Xbox LIVE that is). so if you wanna be safe than sorry, DONT DO MODS IN RED TEXT.


=Map Modding=

it's simple, really. heres the instructions.

1-Go into forge and set some base objects that will become modded objects.

2-save the map.

3-use a USB flash drive to store the map

4-use the USBXTAFGUI (long name ) to extract the map.

5 save it to the desktop

6- use Halo 3 Toy Box to open the map (go to Forge.exe, in the subtab (applications>map editors>forge))

7-select an item you placed and pick a category (not something fancy, like terrain, bullet, ect. they make the map unloadable (unless u got a jtag))

8-save changes when youre done

9-use horizon to rehash ad resign (no others work at all its just corrupt)

10- put the file on the usb

11-move the map on the HDD


=Achievment hacking=

1-download Le Fluffie (to edit achievments)

2-open your profile (do extraction process in h3 maps, except with the profile)

3-go to profile tab

4-click on the game you wish to edit achievments on (once you unlock an achievment, you CANNOT re-lock it)

5-right click and select get GPD info.

6-now click achievments subtab

7-choose how it was semmed to be unlocked (online, offline,locked)

8-to unlock, choose unlocked ______ then cick save achievment, then save to profile.

9-when youre done, rehash and resign it in horizon

10-put it on console, then HDD.


=Inheritor On Reach=

<data not yet added. sorry>