What are all of these?
Since 2014, I have gradually acquired an increasingly large list of domains. Some of these go to various personal projects, some are reserved for future use, and others are just things I hold on to due to some historical or personal significance.
No, you cannot buy them.
However, if you used to operate or manage a project that one of the below domains used to point to (or own the domain yourself), feel free to reach out - while I tend to hold onto the domains I obtain, I'm also more than happy to point it at your own nameservers to let you do what you want with it again - free of charge.
- abstractweb.net
- airholepos.com
- beaver-project.org
- blamite.com
- bloomsandbulbs.com
- buymcgen.com
- carolynescreations.com
- chaoticdistrict.net
- chaoticreborn.com
- chaoticunited.com
- chaoticunited.info
- chaoticunited.net
- chaoticunited.org
- chaoticunited.xyz
- cjmnetwork.com
- craftgasm.net
- elaztek.com
- fluidxgame.com
- fragban.com
- galactiminer.com
- halo3systems.com
- halocounseling.com
- haloman30.com
- haloman30.gay
- haloman30.net
- haloman30.org
- hurricanecraft.com
- hytale-host.org
- kaosgaming.org
- laddertube.com
- li-hero.com
- li-play.com
- logicftw.info
- mccmods.com
- minedns.net
- mineplxe.com
- minetoplist.net
- nucleardistrict.com
- nucleardistrict.net
- orderdivided.com
- orderdivided.net
- phoenixempire.net
- poke-masters.com
- reapcraft.net
- retronixpvp.net
- ruincommunity.net
- runerage.net
- skyhiigh.net
- snoozefuse.com
- thegatewaymc.com
- thisisnotadomain.net
- tidalwavegaming.com
- tidalwavegaming.net
- unitedalycraft.com
- uxstyle.net
- vnethosting.com
- whywouldyouputacatheterinyourbutthole.com
- winclassic.org
- windfrontier.com
- wolfbitez.com
- xboxcraft.com