This project was inspired by ArchiveDiscourse, a Python script created by mcmcclur and adapted by kitsandkats for archiving a Discourse forum.
However, the script was imperfect and had a few odd bugs I had to work out - and by default wouldn't download everything. Additionally, it was a fairly basic script - and wasn't intended for the creation of a true "mirror" of a website.
With the closure of HaloWaypoint's forums announced in March 2023, I found no other suitable option for archival - WinHTTrack had a great deal of trouble, and wget, while doing well, was completely outpaced by the original Python script. This is in large part due to the sheer volume of content on HaloWaypoint - with topic counts approaching 500k.
And so, I decided to build my own archival application from the ground up - and of course release it into the wild for others to give a spin (or improve it should they wish).